“Thanks again for a brilliant and useful website. Great idea.
As someone who works outside all day a toilet stop is part of the normal routine
On behalf of all men with prostate problems - thank you.
This is much needed for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohns sufferers. It would be great to have an app so you aren’t reliant on mobile internet signal when you urgently need to go!
The Great British Public Toilet Map is genius and will take all the stress from my holiday in Scotland next month. Thank you.
This is a great idea, especially if, like me, you suffer from prostate cancer.
As someone with an ultra-sensitive bladder, I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! What a brilliant idea!
At long last an app/map that is REALLY useful, if only something like this had been available when my late father was alive, what a Godsend it would have been on days out when the first thing we had to find was the toilets!!
Thank you so much for whoever came up with this idea. I do hope plenty of other people e-mail you with thanks and a hope that this app is available for long time - as you say with an aging population it will be a winner.
Hi, a great project as a Crohns sufferer it can be a nightmare getting caught short and always thinking about it when your out!!
Brilliant map shows you where you can find public toilets and lists whether they are accessible and whether they are gendered
It would be an amazing app on a phone, not only for people like me but also as a parent, often kids can’t wait and the disapproving looks I get when my little boy goes in the bushes??
It’s so important. I’m neither old nor unfortunate enough to suffer from a bladder or bowel condition, if I’m out for more than a couple of hours when on my period I absolutely need to find somewhere. The worst is always a long train journey when the toilets are out of order. I suspect a lot of women read this article and had the same thought.
I’ve suffered from Crohn’s Disease for the last 5 and a half years, so it’s fantastic to see a map like this become a reality, as it certainly makes visiting new places a heck of a lot less daunting. It’s especially important as public toilets are being closed left, right and centre, and many businesses are not always particularly welcoming to those in my situation